Positive Action for Positive life

Positivity is one of the important ingredients of anyone’s life. As the human body needs oxygen to breathe in a similar pattern human minds need a positive flow of thoughts. Everybody understands the importance of positivity in life because by being positive one feels cherished and is in a happy state of mind. To get positivity in their own thoughts people watch videos, attend seminars, and meet people to motivate themselves. We see there is plenty of video content, articles, autobiographies, and hundreds of speakers who deliver wonderful pep talk which creates a dent in mind and as a listener we feel Goosebumps and we also feel like we can do it. We can win. We can achieve, but the question comes to our mind if everybody really wants this positivity and if everybody really understands the importance of positivity in his own life then why isn’t he able to generate it himself because it is just an output of his own mind why does he have to go out and seek support from some external sources.

Positive and negative thoughts always exist in one’s mind though one manifests oneself only when some occasion demands it.

Since we got our senses we have been told - taught the same basic lesson: If you want to improve your life, if you want to grow then you need to think this first - how you think? How should you think? What should you think? Positive thinking is a vital tool that can facilitate you beat impediments, deal with pain, and accomplish new ambitions. We have always been told to think positively as our thoughts become our actions. Our life is what our thoughts make it; think happy and we are cheerful, think sad and we are mournful, Think like a millionaire and you will magically grow rich, think fear, we are fearful, Envisage your dream and you will take pleasure in augmented achievement, In the principle, this suggestion sounds absolutely rational.

However, in practice, it time and again attests ineffective, sometimes we do what we see; sometimes we do what we think.

Just think about the day when you saw an emotional scene in a movie and tears roll down your cheeks where you are not at all related to the Actor or Actress performing in the movie but still, you start feeling connected and go in the flow.

Similarly, when you listen to a patriotic song you feel excited you listen to a sad song and you want to cry, you listen to a Hasya Kavi Sammelan and start rolling in the aisles, you listen to a motivational speaker and start feeling motivated - on the top of the world. Here watching and listening are actions and emotions are thoughts.

Seeing things becomes our action and our action becomes our thoughts. it means in some way or the other, we flow in a simple cycle, thoughts become action then action becomes thoughts. Like a typical hen-egg situation of who came first, in this cycle, it is not easy to decide the dominance between thoughts and action.

There is a very strong linkage between positive thoughts and actions. The Taj Mahal was built twice. The first time it was built on paper by drawing it, imaging it and the second time it was built by marbles. It means action needs thought but action leads thought too. Just imagine that you bought your car and you are very happy just because you got your favorite brand, favorite model, favorite color with stunning features and with that positive frame of mind you sat on a chair posing your hand on your forehead and slightly bent forward, and you were sitting in that particular pose for 10 minutes thereafter you start thinking about the same car but in a different direction now worrying about whether the EMI will be paid on time or not? Will the maintenance of the car be very much within your budget?? The car must not meet an accident which comes up with an unplanned expenditure. So now you have started thinking with a negative frame of mind. Such a change in thoughts is a result of that posture. To have the right emotion we should have the right motion. We all know thought leads to action but herewith we like to share with you that actions also lead thoughts. In this article we will share with you about those actions which one must do and one must avoid manifesting the positive flow of mind.

Here is a list of a few actions that can influence your thoughts into positivity:
  1. Practice Transformational vocabulary: replacing negative words with positivity ones.
  2. Listening to buoyant music will always shift you towards positivity
  3. Discussing things with near ones make our heart and brain fertile.
  4. Relaxation (Kayotsarg) is what you need.
  5. Walk a Mile (Brisk Walk), sweat out, and get energized.
  6. Practice Positive Affirmation. (Day by Day, in every way, I am getting better and better).
  7. Play with Kids, with kids - be a kid.
  8. Spread the smile, it will come back to you.
  9. Pray every day with family just for 3 minutes.
  10. One Small Change a day will eventually prepare your mind for big changes either welcomed or appeared.
  11. Learn every day, everywhere, and from everything because new things bring positivity
  12. Dance - move the body and get lost in the moves.
  13. Solve a puzzle, it might solve yours.

 - Tareen Mehta and Shreyans Kothari


  1. I wonder who introduced this Pandora's box of negativity to us...
    Love the statement...The Taj Mahal was built twice..And of course the 13 pointer summary...2nd point being my personal favourite...

    1. thanks for the valuable time and feedack, stay tuned for more such blogs in time to come..

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Great Blog...Will try to adopt it..Thanks

    1. thanks pankaj ji for the valuable time and feedack, stay tuned for more such blogs in time to come..

  4. Simply awesome..so well written..I m sure wenever I m low would always read this n hence turn out to be positive..keep inspiring others in this way.

    1. thanks for the valuable time and feedack, stay tuned for more such blogs in time to come..

  5. Very true..Positivity is very much required in this present scenario..Inputs given for being positive are really very useful tips to inculcate positively..Thanks.

    1. true, give positivity and take positivity... Thank you ji for your valuable time and feedback, stay tuned for such more blogs.

  6. Nice article
    Being positive in life is an important aspect in everyone's life.It is first & formost step in growth of oneself in each & every aspect of life.
    Positivity brings many good virtues along with it.
    Be & remain positive now & always.
    Kanak kothari

    1. very true, be positive, make people positive

      thanks kanak bhai ji for the valuable time and feedack,
      stay tuned for more such blogs in time to come..

  7. Replies
    1. thanks for the valuable time and feedack, stay tuned for more such blogs in time to come...

  8. Great article to change mindset .......for success....thanks a lots

  9. Very insightful content !! Communication can be made better by adding examples.

  10. Nicely articulated, good examples and great action points. Action points are very much doable for everyone.

  11. Article itself is full of positivity. Best thing is actionable steps ate suggested.


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